Kamis, 05 April 2018

Smith Mathcounts Team - State Champions!

On Friday, March 23, the Smith Middle School MathCounts Team traveled to the NC School of Science and Math in Durham for the MathCounts State Finals.  The Cyclones team came in as one of the favorites - having finished in the top three for seven straight years now, but knowing it was going to be very competitive this year.

Smith won thanks to a very strong Team Round in which they were the only school to get eight of the 10 problems correct.

Student team members include Leo DeJong, Ben Li, Bo Chi, and Michael Dai, and the team is coached by Smith math teachers, Boyd Blackburn and Rachel Haber.

In addition, Ben Li was the individual winner of the Countdown Round which is a fast-paced event in which you try to be the first to buzz in with the correct answer.

In addition, Leo DeJong finished 3rd individually which means he will be one of the four students representing North Carolina at the National MathCounts competition (live-streamed on ESPN) in Washington, DC in May.  Dr. Blackburn will coach the North Carolina team.

Smith's arch-rival, Carnage Middle School in Raleigh, finished second. Phillips Middle School also had a good day, finishing seventh in the state. The Phillips team is coached by Angela Short.

Congratulations to all of our Smith and Phillips MathCounts competitors.
