Jumat, 27 April 2018

Encouragement Can Be Contagious

My challenge to CHCCS this year was to have fun in the classroom, to take risks and to encourage those around them.  I truly believe anyone who offers encouragement to those around them will then receive encouragement back.

Encouraging others will reverberate through your life.  In building people up, offering kind words, clapping for their successes and listening when they fall short, you not only better the life of others, but you better your own life.

When was the last time you gave someone encouragement directly?  As the school year draws to a close, try to encourage at least one person each day.  Find those around you who may quietly be going through a hardship, struggling to continue their learning, or taking a professional risk.  Let them know you see their hard work, perseverance and dedication.  Offer them words of encouragement.  Watch how encouraging words change their attitude - and yours.  Watch as others then begin to encourage those around them.
