Sabtu, 21 April 2018

Chapel Hill High School Orchestra Performs in Boston

In early April, 36 orchestra students from Chapel Hill High School spent three days in Boston for a high-octane, high-value experience. On April 6, the orchestra performed at the Massachusetts State House. Corrie Franklin, orchestra teacher, said, “We received the invitation thanks to a parent who had a contact at the State House. When they heard we were interested in visiting and possibly performing, they were able to send us a formal invitation.”
“Our trip to Boston was an amazing experience!” said Franklin. “We learned so much about the history and culture of the city, particularly through the musical instruction and performance experiences. One of our favorite highlights from the trip was playing on stage at Symphony Hall (built 1900), which is known for having the best acoustics in the United States.”

The students performed for a masterclass in Symphony Hall under the instruction of Boston Symphony bassist Thomas Van Dyck.
"The trip was an eye-opening and orchestra-bonding experience," said Ethan Rayala, sophomore cellist.
The orchestra students also enjoyed performances of both the Boston Symphony and the Boston Ballet, as well as historical tours, and a visit to Harvard University. "It was amazing to tour such a historic city. The Boston trip was a great way to end my final year with the orchestra!" Lainie Sopa, senior cellist, said.
Franklin discovered that the positive impact her students made on the people they met did not only include their musical gifts. “What stood out to me about our trip was the maturity and gratitude our students showed on every aspect of the trip. I was frequently told by our tour manager, bus driver, and hosts, just how impressed they were by the dedication and discipline of our students. It was truly an honor to travel with the Chapel Hill High Orchestra students!"”
"The trip was a nice way to step away from school work for a while and enjoy senior year,” said Iris Chien, senior violinist.

Thank you to Corrie Franklin, her amazing students and all who helped make this trip a meaning and memorable experience.
