Jumat, 23 Maret 2018

Students Learn Risk Taking by Watching You

At our Convocation in August, I challenged our educators to have fun in the classroom, to take risks and to encourage those around them.  I took a risk with this directive, but I believe by doing these three things, the way students learn and the way teachers teach would make a long-term impact on everyone.

When students see their teachers and other adults in their schools taking a risk, it encourages them to go for the stars, too.  For example, CHCCS offers a program to help teacher assistants go back to school to get their teacher certification.  When a student sees their TA taking this leap, they realize they can also leap and be whatever they want to be.

For some teachers, just thinking about taking a risk can seem scary.  Luckily, CHCCS has many teachers who are willing to jump into it.  Lifelong learners know from failure comes learning, which is what it’s all about.  So for anyone who is still standing on the edge and has yet to take the leap this year, whether you’re a teacher, a principal, a cafeteria worker or a school secretary, a parent, aunt, or grandparent, be courageous and jump.  I promise you and all those students in your life will learn something from it.
