Selasa, 10 Oktober 2017

Special Board Meeting - Wednesday, October 11

The Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools Board of Education has called a special meeting to take place at Glenwood Elementary (2 Prestwick Road - Chapel Hill) on Wednesday, October 11 at 6:30 p.m.

The purpose of this meeting is for staff to present options for the reduction of enrollment levels at Glenwood Elementary, and to collect feedback from the Board regarding the criteria for evaluating the options. The Board will also entertain public comments.

Glenwood Elementary's enrollment currently exceeds capacity by 68 students. Each of the school’s 20 classrooms and five mobile classrooms are now in use. The school's enrollment is projected to increase again next year. This increase is anticipated due to the expansion of the Mandarin Immersion program along with growth from within Glenwood’s attendance zones. As a result of the Mandarin expansion, the projected number of classrooms for traditional students will decrease in 2018-19.

For more information, see the agenda abstract for this Board item.
