Selasa, 06 Juni 2017

Chapel Hill High School Cisco Networking Academy Students Find Success in Recent Competitions

Some Chapel Hill High School students are taking skills learned from Cisco Networking Academy courses and finding success in competitions. Representatives from the IT Essentials (ITE) class as well as the Routing and Switching (RSE) classes chose to compete.

The first competition took place in March at the North Carolina FBLA Competition.  Alex Li (RSE) earned first place in Networking Concepts. Justin Mecham (ITE) scored third place in Computer Problem Solving. Matthew Arnold and Noah Jens (both RSE) placed 4th in Network Design.   

Additional  students competed in the North Carolina SkillsUSA Competition and took the top four awards in Internetworking. Ben Rampel, a current Chapel Hill High student that has completed Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) Level 3 and 4 courses via College and Career Promise with Guilford Technical Community College, claimed first place in the Internetworking Competition. The other Chapel Hill High students to place in the Internetworking Competition were Evan Waldron (2nd), Jacob Williams (3rd), and Andrew Redinbo (4th). Chapel Hill High ITE student Erik Amico placed first in Technical Computer Applications. ITE student Alan George placed 2nd in the Information Technology Services competition.
Five Chapel Hill High students recently competed in the Cisco NetRiders competition. All students advanced to the final round in their competitions. The students competed against other Cisco Networking Academy students, high school and college level, in the US and Canada. Two students placed in the top 20 for the final round of their events: Ben Rampel  placed 10th overall  in the CCNA competition, and Alan George placed 14th in the ITE event.  Alan George, Raja Timalsina, and Jacob Williams competed in the IT Essentials and the Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician (CCENT) competitions. Ryan Halstater  participated in the CCENT competition. Ben Rampel competed in the CCNA competition.  

For more information visit the class Twitter page (@LearnITWalker).
