Selasa, 30 Mei 2017

2016-17 SNAColades

The Special Needs Advisory Council (SNAC) created SNAColades to honor Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools' teachers, staff and administrators who, through their hard work and creativity, make our children's school experience more meaningful. The following have been selected for this recognition based on the testimonials of the Exceptional Children community.

Below each name is a quote from an appreciative parent or administrator.

Carrboro High School

Melissa Barry

"She is an INCREDIBLE EC teacher. Melissa integrates EC students with school-wide events and networks with colleagues to create inclusive opportunities in electives and academic areas. She developed an effective communication system with parents via blog, text, email, conferences and classroom social opportunities."

Chapel Hill High School

Dominick (Nick) Barone

"Not only is Mr. Barone keeping tabs on my daughter during the day, he has spent many hours after school with her, and time after those meetings, discussing issues with me in addition to the emails and phone calls...And he is always smiling!"

Jennifer Michalenok
Beth Racine 
Rodney Carter 
Melissa Walton

"Miss Jennifer and all the teachers in my son’s class work hard everyday to help him learn and grow. They are invaluable to his life and his education, and have helped him make huge strides in learning to communicate and engage with the world."

Frank Smith

"Mr. Smith went above and beyond in helping our son transition to high school. He scheduled a long meeting to become familiar with our son's disabilities, coached our son through getting organized at the beginning of the year, and advocated on our son's behalf to his teachers. He has continued to support our son through the school year."

Ryan McGraw

"Mr. McGraw, our son's counselor also met with us at various times throughout the school year, counseled and supported our son and us, and was willing to consider and follow-up on plans even when they were outside the box ideas."      

East Chapel Hill High School

Vanessa Diggs

"She demonstrates her care and concern for our children - it is much appreciated!"

Karina Pascht 

"Karina supports my son directly as his Academic Strategies teacher as well as in collaborative English and Science classes. Furthermore, she has guided the transition during a Civics class change and math class. We would have been lost without her this year."

Northside Elementary

Deandra Hill

"Deandra not only provides students with strong academic support in their areas of need, but she also addresses their social/emotional needs. She has a way of making all students feel welcomed, loved and successful. Deandra has been a saving grace for my son this year by tapping into his interests, giving him opportunities to be a leader, and propelling him forward academically. Northside is blessed to have her!"

Ronetta Walker

"She is an amazingly, caring, loving, and patient teacher. She goes above and beyond to make sure that my son has a good day and that his needs are met. She is always willing to try new things to get him where he needs to be."


Sarah Michaels - PreK

"The growth that my son has made since she has worked with him is amazing. I cannot describe and thank her enough for the hard work she has put in."

Morris Grove Elementary

Jordan Lupton

"Jordan has introduced Peer Mediated Instruction and Intervention (PMII) to the school for many of her students and their peers! Here is an article that she wrote about it."

Phillips Middle

Christine Ewing

"Christine has been a quiet force for good at Phillips in her first year here in the school district. She has helped my son have a smooth year and advocated for his appropriate placement in his transition to high school."

Scroggs Elementary

Sandy Scheuermann

"Sandy never complained when I asked for yet another meeting to discuss goals or my concerns. She willingly shared the small milestones that make up seemingly unnoticeable progress for kids like my son. She sent updates and pictures of my son working. She shared pride with me over writing milestones and even the smallest improvements. As my son moves into middle school, I know I have Sandy Scheuermann to thank for pointing out to him each day how capable and smart he really is and for providing excellent EC support."

Jasmine Johnson
Cindy Greenert
James Nohe
Dottie Small

"Thank you for your patience and your perseverance in support of my son. Thank you for your willingness to try new things even when I know you already had many other things to juggle. And thank you for encouraging him, and for giving him something to think about each day that recognized his capability."
